Coincidentally my band and my "side project" band will be releasing their first albums on the very same day! Weird. Here are the album covers, look for them in stores on March 17th.
Mr Max Tumortoo loves carrots. Mr Max Tumortoo loves carrots and hot air balloons. If he could, Mr Max Tumortoo would plant a carrot garden inside the basket of a hot air balloon and send it up into the sky. As soon as Mr Max Tumortoo learns to sew he will make a hot air balloon for his carrot garden.
Some day I will be a librarian. I will work with young people in a public library to construct exciting and creative new ways to appreciate reading a good book, among a myriad of other experiences, of course.
For now I am a student finishing up my final year of graduate school. I am tired, a little apprehensive, and very excited. I write research papers, read scholarly article after scholarly article, build power point presentations, annotate bibliographies, and now I have brought this blog into the world as a resting place for all that has been created on my road towards earning a degree in Library Science. Thank you for stopping by.